Aging Well: A Holistic Approach to Longevity

If the fountain of youth came in a pill, only a few people would be unwilling to take it.

The word longevity in terms of life is often equated to how long a person lives. If you live to be 102, you’re considered to have excellent genes and can count yourself lucky. But what if we told you that longevity goes much deeper and considers the quality of one’s life in addition to its length? Longevity means living a long and high-quality life. But how does one achieve longevity? 

Treating the Whole Person for Optimal Wellness and Longevity

We recently spoke with Krista Espenship, MSN, FNP-C of OnePeak Medical in Lake Oswego, who shared valuable insights on aging and living a high-quality life. Functional medicine, as Krista explained, encompasses a holistic approach to wellness, considering the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It goes beyond traditional medical assessments and treatments and looks at the whole person, incorporating social health and spiritual well-being. This comprehensive approach is especially important in a post-COVID world, where the impact of relationships on our overall well-being has been brought to the forefront.

“Nurturing healthy relationships while also recognizing and addressing unhealthy ones is critical to longevity,” said Krista. She stressed the importance of setting boundaries and permitting oneself to remove toxicity from one’s life, even if it means distancing oneself from certain individuals. Understanding the dynamics of dysfunctional relationships and their impact on mental well-being is crucial for maintaining healthy social connections as we age. 

Spiritual well-being is another area of functional medicine often overlooked by its traditional counterparts. Krista noted that spiritual well-being is essential for overall health because it contributes to a sense of purpose, meaning, and connectedness. People who feel spiritually fulfilled often experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, which can have a positive impact on both their mental and physical health. Additionally, spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or mindfulness have been linked to improved immune function and better coping mechanisms when faced with challenges. 

Addressing Chronic Conditions for Healthy Aging

While spiritual and social well-being are essential for longevity, so is addressing any underlying causes of chronic health issues. 

“Functional medicine is the why of the why of the why,” said Krista. 

She shares the story of one of her very first patients as a functional medicine provider, an 80-year-old man whose chronic constipation kept him from enjoying life. He was a prisoner in his home, waiting for his body to tell him it was time for a bowel movement. Krista discovered he had SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). After treating it, this patient could leave home, enjoy time with friends, and go on a vacation for the first time. 

He was 80 years old, and while most would say he had a long life, his quality of life was poor. By addressing the underlying cause of his health concerns, his quality of life shifted to high.

Krista shared the story of another patient who had numerous health issues that, for years, had been unresolved. The patient suspected she had Lyme disease because she was bit by a tick many years prior, but none of the doctors she saw were willing to test for it. Krista did, and low and behold, she tested positive. 

“Living with untreated Lyme disease can cause chronic issues such as fatigue, body aches and pains, and mental fog,” said Krista. “But at 70, we could address her Lyme disease and provide relief from these symptoms – it is never too late.”

Inflammation, Weight Management, and Gut Health for Longevity

Physical health, of course, plays a pivotal role in aging well. Krista emphasized the importance of addressing inflammation, a common underlying cause of many age-related diseases. She explained how identifying food sensitivities can uncover underlying gut issues, such as leaky gut syndrome, which can lead to inflammation and various health problems. By addressing these underlying issues, individuals can proactively support their digestive health and overall well-being.

Functional medicine strives to promote optimal well-being as individuals age by focusing on early intervention and addressing borderline health issues.

“I often find patients know something is wrong with them but can’t put their finger on it,” said Krista. 

Hormone balancing can be tricky. While many providers limit hormone therapy treatment to patients whose levels fall outside the normal range, Krista and the rest of the providers at OnePeak take a more proactive approach. Their extensive experience has shown that addressing borderline hormone levels has many health benefits. One such example is reducing the risk of breast cancer.  

Having a healthy weight is another important factor for longevity. Krista discussed the importance of personalized approaches to weight management, emphasizing that genetic testing can offer valuable insights into individuals’ unique needs and predispositions. Losing ten pounds isn’t always the healthiest move when other health issues are at play. 

By considering the interconnected aspects of mind, body, and spirit and addressing underlying health factors, individuals can strive to not only live longer lives but also experience a higher quality of life as they age.

Embracing a holistic approach to longevity, as Krista and OnePeak Medical advocates, holds the key to aging well and thriving in the later stages of life. As we navigate the complexities of aging, prioritizing our overall well-being and seeking comprehensive medical care tailored to our individual needs can pave the way for a fulfilling and vibrant future. If you would like to make an appointment to explore how to live a long and high-quality life, visit our website to schedule an appointment.