Suffering From Burnout?
Are you suffering from burnout? Do you know someone who is? Don’t worry because there are things you can do to reclaim control of your life and the way you feel. In our Skype interview with Dr. Nisha Jackson, you’ll not only learn what you can do if you are suffering from burnout but how to discover the key areas and target them for treatment.
Suffering From Burnout
What would your life be like if your mind, body, and health were exactly where you wanted them to be? Burnout is no longer a simple term for the result of working long hours. Instead, it is one of the largest epidemics seen in modern women today.
No one deserves to feel less than amazing, and you don’t have to settle for less than 100%. Many books today focus solely on a “mindset”, positive thinking, psychology, and patterns of behavior to create abundance in life. Brilliant Burnout brings the groundbreaking concept of combining some of these concepts with what many of these books lack – our physiology!
Physiology is the foundation on which all biological and medical sciences were built. Thanks to research, innovation, and advancements in medicine, we live in a time where we have the power to choose how we want to look, feel, and age. By utilizing your brain, body, and balancing HORMONES, you can settle for feeling exactly how you want to!
First, I’d like to tell you about Dr. Jackson and how she has and does transform the lives of so many women suffering from a wide range of medical conditions.
Dr. Nisha Jackson – Author of Brilliant Burnout
Dr. Nisha Jackson, Ph.D., is a nationally-recognized hormone expert and gynecology health specialist with 20 years of experience in research and patient care. As a highly sought-after lecturer, motivational speaker, radio host, and columnist, she has solidified herself as an authority in this field by working alongside and treating some of the most powerful minds in this country.
Dr. Jackson is the founder of many prestigious medical establishments, including BalanceDocs, Inc. and Rogue Clinical Laboratories, focusing on Functional medicine, age management, weight loss, and hormone balancing for men and women. She has also established an online virtual hormone consulting service, which provides hormone testing and one-on-one consultations.
Dr. Jackson has now founded her private practice, OnePeak Medical Clinic, which specializes in age management, longevity, hormone balance, and functional medicine.
Dr. Nisha Jackson is the author of The Hormone Survival Guide for Perimenopause: Balance Your Hormones Naturally as well as Surviving the Teenage Hormone Takeover: A Guide for Moms.
Her latest book, Brilliant Burnout: How Successful, Driven Women Can Stay in the Game by Rewiring Their Bodies, Brains, and Hormones is a powerhouse of empowering information.
Brilliant Burnout reveals proven and successful testing and treatment strategies, with step-by-step instructions for optimal hormone, brain, and body balance and compelling insights that have helped women all around the world change their lives and step up their game.
Learn and use the very tactics explained in this book to beat the big snooze of burning out! You can read and order Dr. Jackson’s books and start making the changes you need to feel better today.
Are you suffering from burnout?
I was so excited to speak with Dr. Jackson and in the short hour we spoke, I learned so much more about how suffering from burnout is and has become an epidemic problem for women. Of course, men and teens suffer from burnout too and her sage advice and years of expertise are widely becoming the standard practice for treating these conditions.
After reading her latest book, Brilliant Burnout: How Successful, Driven Women Can Stay in the Game by Rewiring Their Bodies, Brains, and Hormones, I knew I had to take the time to reread it. The second time, I made sure to take notes and create a plan for myself. After working so many years in the highly competitive atmosphere of Corporate America and managing a business, I discovered that suffering from burnout has many hidden as well as obvious consequences.
Do you ever have those days where you just want to slam that laptop into your desk and walk away? Maybe the kids are creating a particularly difficult day for you? Well, you are not alone. The good news is, there’s something you can actively do about suffering from burnout and empower yourself with a plan to feel better today!
Be sure and watch the Skype interview below with Dr. Nisha Jackson!
I always believed in taking the right daily supplements but after speaking with Dr. Jackson, I learned there’s so much more than grabbing random supplements that I thought I needed. In our Skype interview, we also talk about the importance of taking the “right” supplements and how they can really make a difference in how you feel. You can also learn more about the importance of taking the right supplements in her book, Brilliant Burnout.
Nisha Jackson has personally formulated and optimized these specialized supplements, conveniently available to you as well. This custom line of fully optimized, natural supplements can take the place of or supplement prescription sleep aids, antidepressants, and much more.
I hope that you were able to learn more about suffering from burnout and what you can do to start feeling better. There’s a plan out there so you can regain control of your life and start living the life you deserve.
If you have any questions for Dr. Jackson, please be sure and visit her website.
Originally published April 18, 2019, on Sassy Townhouse Living.