Amber Loredo, MSN, FNP-C

Family Nurse Practitioner located in Redmond, OR

Amber Loredo Square

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Amber Loredo, MSN, FNP-C

Meet Amber Loredo, MSN, FNP-C

More About Amber Loredo

Amber Loredo, MSN, FNP-C, first became a registered nurse in 2011 after watching nurses care for her grandfather following a massive heart attack. While she was a bedside registered nurse, she cultivated a desire to help patients feel heard and regain their internal power. During this time, Amber worked on various floors including medical/surgical, labor and delivery, as well as in the operating room while floating to many other units. In 2017, she and her best friend entered graduate school together with a desire to offer holistic patient-centered primary care medicine to the patients they already cared so much about. Amber completed her graduate degree from Maryville University in December 2020.

Since completing her graduate degree and becoming a family nurse practitioner, Amber has specialized in treating both family and internal medicine patients. She values listening to her patients and has realized how important it is to tailor medical care to each individual, to help prevent disease progression and optimize wellness. She is passionate about wellness and helping her patients feel their best at all stages of life. She looks forward to working together with her patients to develop a path of wellness, creating a collaborative relationship where ideas and plans can be shared freely.

When she’s not working with patients to promote optimal health, you can find Amber spending most of her time with her family and her fur babies. She has been married to her husband for over 20 years and together they have 2 children (both are almost adults). Family is very important to her and together they enjoy the outdoors during all seasons. She describes her happy place as the mountains and any amount of time that she can spend in the mountains is a good day. Amber enjoys reading, writing, hiking, rafting, tennis, meditation, biking, yoga, deep sea fishing, weightlifting, traveling the world, and trying new foods whenever she can.